Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a progressive condition that can impair function and threaten your career. Repetitive motions resulting from computer use, coupled with activities such as texting and playing video games, can put you at risk of injuring your hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, back and neck. Recognizing early symptoms and taking immediate measures can prevent the development of chronic RSI.
Sign Up For An Ergonomic Evaluation
As a result of this pandemic, many people started working from home. Many did not realize their setup is not adequate and have seen an increase in body pain. There are many reasons to account for this potentially debilitating side effect; poor posture and poor ergonomics are major culprits. Let us help you assess and make the needed corrections to your home workstation. The evaluation includes:
A questionnaire for you to fill out
Taking pictures of your work station and sending them to us for evaluation
30 minute Zoom sessions to go over the questionnaire, offer solutions to your problems and discuss any issues you may have
Go over a basic stretching routine
Report to summarize our session and implement an action plan.
Initial office visit with an extensive exam and 2 re-evaluations
29, 1-hour, one-on-one personal training sessions (meeting twice a week)
Personalized program designed with your limitations in mind
RSI specific corrective exercises
Counseling and guidance on RSI
We will be offering this program online shortly
Signs and symptoms vary from person to person but the most common RSI signs and symptoms include:
Mild ache or pain in the upper extremity muscles that goes away with rest
Tingling sensation or numbness in the upper arm, forearm, hands and fingers
Throbbing and/or burning sensation in the affected area
You may develop weakness and start dropping things or have issues holding light objects
Sensations vary from very light and diffuse to sharp or searing
I cannot stress enough how important it is to take care of this condition head-on and early. Do not fall into the “Oh, it will go away” trap. You will regret it!
After servicing hundreds of people in Silicon Valley for over 20 years, Dr. Biner has recognized the need for the development of an organized, prevention based exercise program for RSI. It is with great excitement that we can now offer an exercise program that addresses factors which influence this debilitating condition.
If you suffer from RSI, let me explain why you should sign up for our program:
You are dealing with a condition that has taken years to develop and finally become active. Unfortunately for you, if you've been affected by RSI, you will need to manage this condition for the rest of your life. This program will give you a better chance at controlling your symptoms. It is a sensible approach that will increase body awareness and correct imbalances caused by years of desk work. In addition, it will help you understand what your body is going through and figure out how to help support it for the rest of your career. After all, you only get one!
Like many conditions, there is no quick fix for RSI. That's the reason why this program extends over a period of 16 weeks. Results will vary but by the end of this training period, you will have a complete understanding of this condition's nature and you will know what it takes to manage it while remaining active and functional. We truly believe that the information and experience you will receive from this program will change your life for the better.
Feel free to contact us for more information. You may also indicate your interest by scheduling a no-obligation free consultation with us by clicking the icon below.